
Clotilde Djuikem is a mathematician and passionate advocate for the real-world applications of mathematics. She is currently a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Manitoba, where she models the transmission of viral pathogens in Arctic fish species, focusing on the impacts of climate change.


Originally from Cameroon, Clotilde earned her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Applied Mathematics at the University of Douala, where her thesis focused on the propagation of coffee pests. She completed her Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics in 2023 at Université Côte d’Azur, France, specializing in the modeling and control of perennial plant phytopathogens.


Clotilde is the creator of Tioh Academy, a YouTube channel dedicated to the popularization of mathematics, with over 42,000 subscribers and 2.3+ million views, reaching an audience spanning 80+ nationalities. She is also recognized as a Champion EDIA 2024 (Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, Accessibility) by the Digital Research Alliance of Canada for her efforts to promote inclusion in STEM. As part of this role, she leads initiatives such as roundtable discussions with experts from diverse fields to inspire the next generation of students.


Outside of academia, Clotilde enjoys dancing, reading, traveling, and participating in sports like handball and volleyball, embodying a dynamic and multifaceted approach to life and science.


Inria CORDI 2019-2022

MMI Research Accelerator Award 2024

EDIA Champion 2024

Prestations de service

Tutorat en mathématiques 

Notre programme de tutorat en mathématiques propose un encadrement personnalisé visant à renforcer les compétences en lecture, écriture et communication orale dans le domaine des mathématiques.

Cours de soutien scolaire

Nos cours de soutien scolaire couvrent diverses matières et aident les élèves à renforcer leurs connaissances et leur confiance en eux.

Préparation aux examens

Notre programme de préparation aux examens est conçu pour aider les étudiants à réussir leurs examens en leur fournissant des stratégies efficaces et des exercices pratiques.


Contactez-nous dès maintenant pour obtenir plus d'informations ou pour réserver une séance de consultation.


Clotilde Djuikem
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada